
Menstruation Film

This film based on the Initiative of the PRAG organisation which realised the significance of Menstruation leave for working women and started granting Menstruation-leave to their female employees. The film talks about the menstruation, a natural bodily process experience by female, have historically been surrounded by social stigma and cultural taboos in many societies. Often considered a shameful, dirty, female weakness, the secrecy surrounding menstruation has permeated every aspect of society, both in rural and urban. This stigma often leads to discrimination, misinformation, and negative attitudes towards menstruating workers. The film explains the efforts are being made to challenge and dismantle the social stigma surrounding menstruation. Organizations, activists, and individuals are working towards promoting menstrual health education, de-stigmatizing conversations around menstruation, advocating for affordable and accessible menstrual products, and creating supportive environments that foster inclusivity and understanding.