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About us

OpenWings Production

Openwings Productions was established on January 25, 2011, to highlight the plight of rivers and create environmental awareness. Flowing like the currents of rivers, Open Wings has been producing films on social and contemporary issues since its inception. The company has created extensive documentaries on the Ganga, Yamuna, and Tons rivers. Additionally, Open Wings has shown a keen interest in tribal cultures and arts, producing films on the traditions of the Bhil-Bhilala tribe, Sanjhi art, and Jaunsar-Bawar culture. Significant projects include 100 hours of footage on the Sundarbans and the unique Gandhi Katha by Narayan Bhai Desai, a close associate of Gandhiji who narrated Gandhi’s story across India. Following Desai’s passing, Open Wings remains one of the few institutions with comprehensive filming on the Gandhi story and continues to strive on issues related to social governance.

Creative team

Pankaj Ramendu

Director & Co-Founder, OpenWings

Pankaj Ramendu, a luminary in the realm of creativity, serves as the co-founder, writer, and director at Openwings Productions, a distinguished film and documentary production house. With a profound passion for storytelling, Pankaj infuses his narratives with depth, emotion, and a keen understanding of the human experience. As a seasoned writer, his words breathe life into scripts that resonate with audiences, while his directorial prowess brings these stories to vivid cinematic reality. Pankaj Ramendu stands at the forefront of a creative odyssey, shaping narratives that captivate hearts and minds, leaving an indelible mark on the world of filmmaking.